Lewis Hill
Romance scammer discovered in Badoo
Liverpool, LTH
Lewis is 45 years old. His birthday is on April 18.
He owns an art galery in Liverpool, has 2 employees.
He had to travel to Nigeria (Lagos) due to business.
He has to purchase bronze sculptures for clients, museeum and exhibitions.
He has to send them by ship back to Liverpool. It will take approx. 20 days till arrival there.
He has one difficult client, but for years it is a loyal good client, but he pays always too late as this time too.
Lewis needs to buy for sculptures as there was a money limit to take into Nigeria.
He has no money anymore. He has contacted the client to send money.
I stupidly agreed that this client will pay the amount on my account and i would get straight and would send it immediately via western union bank money transfer to Lagos.
Since August 2012 we are regularly in contact 2,3 times a day via skype but his camera is always switched off, via email etc. He said he is widowed, his wife died 6 years ago due to a car crash. He was so sad that he wished to die too. It took him 6 years to recover from the pain but now in me he has found new love and trust. Distance is not a barrier he mentioned he would move to us soon. He will even sell his property in West Ham for a good start here with me. But my friend warned me and found out in the net about romance scamming and told me immediately to block my account what i have done. I told him that i thought about it again and that i have blocked my account. He was really pissed of and told me only bad words. All his romance for me and love for me has immediately flew away. No more butterflies and he mentioned that i should keep away from him.... that was it. I am sad but he just played with my heart and trust in him