Post A Scam
Scam: #5956

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/08/2012
  • Severity: 5

Dennis Sutphin

False Prophet CON ARTIST

Las Vegas, Nevada, 89180

This man is a broke dealer of stolen goods.
He says he is a PASTOR, this is a lie. He'll try to prove it by telling you to go to his "website" which is just a Facebook page full of old pictures of poor people receiving food. This man does NOT help the poor, he does NOT belong to any church, he does NOT have a job.
BUT: he will ask you for donations. It's a free country, so if you feel like investing in his coke habit or gaudy jewelry collection, then give him your money.

Soon, the IRS, the Nevada Attorney General, or a family member of a conned elderly person will take care of this man. But for now, walk in the other direction, fast.

Scam Images

False Prophet CON ARTIST


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