5:45 PM
Views: 9983

Good Piece
Scammer: Natalie Becerra: Harlem New York, NY
Natalie is very good in bed> On our first date we screwed all night long. I've never met a woman who loves sex as much as Natalie. I even invited two ...
Scammer: Natalie Becerra: Harlem New York, NY
Natalie is very good in bed> On our first date we screwed all night long. I've never met a woman who loves sex as much as Natalie. I even invited two ...
Scammer: Dona Rankin: accra, Georgia
Talks to you for weeks telling you how much she loves you and when she gets back to your city she will pay all she owes you wantd you to send 600 to75...
Scammer: christopher bathum: malibu, los angeles, CA
this guy is a sociopath...
Scammer: overstockliquidationclearance.com: unknown, NV
Do not buy from this website. It is a complete scam. Website located somewhere in the Ukraine....
Scammer: Avanquest: London, CNL
They sell software with bad key codes trying to sell you an upgrade. When asked to provide a valid key they do not respond or keep referring to diffe...
Scammer: Joanne williams: florida, CA
she made me fall in love with her and later scammed me by telling me her mum was in the hospital dying that she needs money for her kidney transplant....
Scammer: Sharice Page: Alton, IL
http://daniella-yorkie-babies-available-now.webs.com/ Asked for all youre information adn asked you to send money to Cameroon...
This MLM organization is a long time notorious scam. It was formerly Pre-Paid Legal Service but changed their name because of all the lawsuits and com...
Scammer: FBI, Interpol and US soldiers: Kansas, KS
Subject: Gold Bar scam and funds IC3, Interpol and US soldiers lie to the victim and then this victim kill herself and end her life. They are murde...
Scammer: Lisa and Joseph Schoneman: Loxahatchee, FL
I trusted Lisa and Joseph Schoneman to care for my horses, Fathom and Sedona after I moved to Arizona in late December, the 27th to be exact. The prop...