6:05 PM
Views: 2764

Harness Racing Investment
Scammer: Gregory Lee: Raleigh, NC
Lured me into investment in bogus harness race horses...
Scammer: Gregory Lee: Raleigh, NC
Lured me into investment in bogus harness race horses...
Scammer: Raphael Jordan: London, LCN
Guy found me on Facebook and said I was his soul mate. He proclaimed his love and devotion to me. He sent me pictures of "him" and his son. Never got ...
Scammer: samuel kirkland: houston, TX
this man out to romance any woman and get money out of them he is very aggressive says hes a soldier but not a soldier...
Scammer: Bill me later: Us, CA
This woman had me roofed while attending an ABA para legal program at FJC. Then she me ran me off the road with a woman from her church named Barmin...
Scammer: Jones Knox Miller: Kabal, Accra-Ghana
Made contact with Jones through Singleparentmeet.com,, starting chatting on Yahoo messenger, knoxjones@yahoo.... Said he was on his second tour in Afg...
Scammer: Jones Knox Miler: kabal, Accra-Ghana
He met me on singleparentsmeet.com, said his wife left him after his first tour to Afghanistan, both his parents and 25 year old son were killed in a ...
Scammer: Jones Knox Miller: Kabul, accra ghana, Africa
He contacted me on a dating site Singleparentsmeet.com, he started with a chat on my profile and asked me to log on to yahoo messenger, so we could ch...
Scammer: Martin Stunt: Texas and South Africa, TX
says he is from texas but living in south Africa writes of wanting true love sends emails with talk of love but answers few questions. uses unusual p...
Scammer: Nicole Riley: Morresburg, TN
Shes a fack will tellyou she is getting evicted or care getting ropo or daughter is sick its all lies she will never show up or meet you just getting ...
Scammer: Kelvin Mike: Toms River, NJ
He is a liar...Told me stories of being raised in an orphange, losing his business, his beloved wife, his home. Everything. I gave him nothing but...