12:17 AM
Views: 2908

Scammer: Archwood Lending Group: Atlanta, GA
I received a call from an Aaron Jennings, with Archwood Lending Group, saying that I qualified for a $5000.00 loan. Was emailed the paperwork that I...
Scammer: Archwood Lending Group: Atlanta, GA
I received a call from an Aaron Jennings, with Archwood Lending Group, saying that I qualified for a $5000.00 loan. Was emailed the paperwork that I...
Scammer: RICHIE HILSON: escondido, CA
Angela, i want to write to you somewhere-on facebook or yahoo or something, because i was in touch with RH for over a week, and i just want to talk...
Scammer: Euro-American Publishing House Inc.: New York, NY
My number has been approved for a lump sum pay out of Fifty Three Thousand Five Hundred ($53,500.00) in cash credited to a file reference number GHL 0...
This guy is a complete thief! LITERALLY!!!!!!!! Buyer Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like the scumbag payed the $99 dollar fee to h...
Scammer: Cathy Morgan: Ashford, AL
Do not play me you sale the stuff so and on how dare you use Alabama her name is Cathy Morgan she said that I'am in Nigeria African and her is email ...
Scammer: Elizabeth Raymundo: Ikeja, Lagos
well at first i was just cheking myspace because i had a long time without looking at it and then i checked in the myspace inbox and i had an email f...
Scammer: Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing: Lexington, KY
http://businessforums.verizon.net/t5/General-Residential-Products-and/Verizon-Wireless-dumps-FHTM/m-p/298471 Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing loses Verizo...
Scammer: Catholic Charities: Dallas/ Ft. Worth, TX
Catholic Charities takes money donated during the Catholic Community Appeal and diverts it to providing paralegal services to support Illegal Aliens. ...
Scammer: InquiryRemoval.com (Daniel Cardillo, Quick Solutions ): Sherman Oaks, CA
I'm writing this report to let everyone no that InquiryRemoval Daniel Cardillo, Quick Solutions This company said they could remove my inquiries @ $40...
Scammer: Raphael Thomas: Lagos, Indiana
He told me that he was in Nigeria with his daughter doing business and that he wanted to come back to the United States, to Indiana. He told me the p...