10:08 PM
Views: 4269

The 99 Day Bailout Program
Scammer: Vincent P. Teal: Phoenix, AZ
WE keep getting these letters and offers from these scammers. This one is now offering to make us millionaires and we can make $2,499,426 by June 22...
Scammer: Vincent P. Teal: Phoenix, AZ
WE keep getting these letters and offers from these scammers. This one is now offering to make us millionaires and we can make $2,499,426 by June 22...
Scammer: Ima Sumac Watkins: Calabasas, CA
Many people have been scammed out of money to do films.Videos,etc.No projects ever materialized or was any money returned or any explanation.Jefferson...
Scammer: Bobby smith: Atlanta, GA
Working in Aberdeen, Scotland as an Oil Rigger safety engineer. Been on the job for the last 15 years and has a daughter 14 name Tracy and shes with ...
Scammer: Bobby Smith: College Park, GA
He's from Belgium with a daughter named Tracy and his wife died 3 yrs ago and he is a widower and I met him on Christian Mingle.com and he asked me to...
Scammer: Efcc posting on whoscammed you IS a scam: lagos, TX africa
Efcc keeps posting on various lagos scams or match.com scams with email addresses to submit a complaint. I should have done better rese...
Scammer: RICHARD BILTMORE: Chicago, IL
I am having back luck financially and was on a website that lets people post asking for donations for help..... RICHARD BILTMORE offered to help, ...
Scammer: Darlen Griffin George Sparrow: Witchita, KS
its started with small amount gradually ended up in over well in excess of 55,000 usd. i have have got a lot of trails from Kansas, California all ...
Scammer: Darlen Griffin, George Sparrow: Witchita, KS
Its started with a small amount gradually went up to 60,000 usd in over a year...
Scammer: David Walton: Denver, CO
Beware of David Walton - good looking pic if it is him - however - he tells the story of his building business which takes him all over the world -...
Scammer: Karin Finn of Brettachtal Cattery: unknown, CA
As you know already, is my beloved Brettachtal' s Charming Dream died on 01/29/2011. I did an autopsy to shed light into the darkness. This report, I ...